Lumecca IPL Photofacial

Lumecca IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) Photofacial is a non-invasive skin rejuvenation treatment that uses intense pulses of light to improve the appearance of various skin concerns such as age spots, sun damage, acne scars, redness, and fine lines. During the treatment, a handheld device is used to deliver a broad spectrum of light to the skin, which is absorbed by the melanin and hemoglobin in the targeted areas.

The Lumecca IPL Photofacial is effective because the light energy from the device heats up and destroys the targeted cells, promoting collagen production and skin cell turnover. This results in an overall improvement in the texture, tone, and clarity of the skin.




The downtime associated with Lumecca IPL Photofacial is minimal, making it a popular choice for those who want to improve their skin without experiencing significant downtime or discomfort. Most patients can return to their normal activities immediately following the treatment.

It is common for the skin to appear slightly red and swollen, similar to a mild sunburn for a few hours – days.

Avoid direct sunlight and wear sunscreen with a high SPF to protect the skin during the healing process.



  • Age Spots + Sun damage
  • Acne Scars
  • Redness/blood vessels on face
  • Fine Lines and Wrinkles




A refreshed, clear and bright rejuvenation treatment.

Minimal downtime – skin may be read for a day. Treatment itself is quick and painless.



Are you ready to take the next step to enhance your natural beauty? We would love to have a complementary consult with you, and help you achieve what you are looking for!